A golden thread glimmering through the frosty fabric of my life. . .


I am on the doorstep of the second half (?) of my life. . . grateful to have come this far and have healing, hope and joy find me. My goal is assist those walking their own Path.


My path has been one of blockage, challenge and small t traumas. Neglect, control, poverty, blood borne undetected illness, social censure, geographic dislocation (21 moves large and small), family estrangement and raising 5 amazing humans in the midst of this environment had been nothing short of a survival marathon only to have world events finish me. By 2022 I was completely broken and bereft. 


After walking away from my dearest kin in 2014, thinking I would die of grief,  I searched the Cosmos for signs. . . I used to wail aloud, "Where's the Centaurs?!!"  ( referencing C.S. Lewis' books of the wise ones who read the sky for Deep knowledge.) After a determined internet search, I found a page with Light streaming out of the words at me. I had found my Centaur:  Sarah Varcas! (please consider her beautiful piece on Sedna here ) Thus began my journey with the Stars Speaking to me as our Source intended!


A tight Bond with Creator since early childhood is the Golden Thread for me. During 2022, I would casually mention to my Maker that frankly I had never been so low, and that was really saying something. I felt like the drowning soul who had finally gone under and floated down without struggle. Dramatic response came to me in the form of Ravens. . . 



I have rarely if ever seen them before this time in my life and they started appearing to me OFTEN. I would drive to work and they would swoop in front of my vehicle. Laying in the snow during a cross country ski, two flew over my body. Over and over there they were. I finally tried researching what this could mean: the promise of transformation! The Ravens became this beacon of Hope. I would be sinking and one would appear as if to say:

"You will be Whole!" 


The kindness of the One Who Knows, moved me deeply.

These Birds SENT to comfort me and give me Hope.


Through many strange twists and turns, I found the hope of a long held dream: a career of helping people in a Soul/Spirit sense. Through "sacred geometry of the celestial spheres" (Pam Gregory) and my ongoing bond to the Heart of the Universe, I continue to receive insight on behalf of myself.

Now I am learning to receive to inspire others!


Fascinatingly, I now see all the "failures" I have lived as my greatest strengths. I have come through "impossible" to say it isn't so.


May you find something here to light the Fire of your Heart!

Or at least to blow on those glowing Embers...


Love, Hope and Joy to you in the Flickering Dark!




Skill Based Learning

Below are some of the opportunities that Ingrid has had to build her life skills and connection to Source:

  • 16 years home educating any number of her 5 kids (1998-2016)
  • many rambles in beautiful prairie places searching for connection to Earth
  • 12 Step Studies in CoDA for codependency recovery 2010-2011
  • Sarah Varcas' Astrology Course - 2015
  • 4 years in classrooms supporting dysregulated children as a volunteer then assistant, 2017-2021
  • Reading Simplified Literacy Certificate - 2022
  • part time literacy tutoring for complex needs kids - November 2021-present
  • Education Assistant Certificate earned from Red Deer Polytech - 2023
  • Various courses related to trauma and healing:
    • Self Compassion with Dr. Kristen Neff
    • Mindfulness-Based Mind Fitness Training with Dr. Liz Stanley
    • Body as Healer with Dr. Stephen Levine
  •  Trained in Subtle Body Method through Body Wisdom Academy with Leslie Huddart L.Ac
  • Quantum Soul Guidance Practitioner Course with Julia Balaz (ongoing certification process)
  • a lifetime of learning from the Voice of Wisdom through many modalities, people and experiences